• Tayanch so‘zlar
  • Analysis of a work of art in elementary grades O‘ktamova Mehrigiyo A’zamovna

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    talim transformatsiyasi

    O‘ktamova Mehrigiyo A’zamovna
    , Buxoro davlat Pedagogika instituti, Boshlang‘ich ta’lim 
    kafedrasi, Tayanch doktoranti 
    Ushbu maqolada boshlang`ich sinflarda o`qish metodikasi adabiy ta`lim 
    metodikasi sifatida ish ko`rishi lozimligi, boshlang`ich sinfda o`qish adabiyot o`qitish sistematik 
    kursiga tayyorlovchi predmet sifatida o`qitilishi,
    badiiy asarni tahlil qilish metodikasida kichik 
    yoshdagi o‘quvchilarning badiiy asarni idrok qilishidagi psixologik xususiyatlar hisobga olinishi, asarni 
    idrok qilishga, bilim olishga xizmat qiladigan komponentlar bilan birga, uni emostional-estetik his 
    etish ham kirishi haqida so`z yuritiladi. 
    Tayanch so‘zlar: 
    Idrok etish, asar ustida ishlash, analiz bosqichi, sintеz bosqichi, sifatli sintеz 
    bosqichi, tanlab o‘qish, rеja tuzish, matnni tasvirlash, ichda o‘qish, ovoz chiqarib o‘qish. deduksiya, 
    induksiya, metodik sistema mantiq, inson, muammo, shaxs, tuyg‘u, pedagogika, yondashuv, ijodiy 
    qobiliyat, iqtidor, ijodiy faoliyat, innovatsiya. 
    Analysis of a work of art in elementary grades 
    O‘ktamova Mehrigiyo A’zamovna, 
    Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, Department of Primary 
    Education, PhD student 
    In this article, the methodology of reading in primary grades should be used as a 
    methodology of literary education, reading in primary grades should be taught as a preparatory 
    subject for the systematic course of teaching literature, a minor in the methodology of analyzing an 
    artistic work It is said that the psychological features of the perception of the artistic work of the 
    students of the age of 18 years are taken into account, along with the components that serve to 
    perceive the work and gain knowledge, it is also included in the emotional-aesthetic feeling of it. 
    Key words:
    comprehension, work on the work, analysis stage, synthesis stage, qualitative 
    synthesis stage, selective reading, planning, describing the text, internal reading, reading aloud. 
    deduction, induction, methodological system, logic, human, problem, person, feeling, pedagogy, 
    approach, creative ability, talent, creative activity, innovation. 

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